Monday, April 18, 2011

Dexter, Kind Atheists, and Outsourcing

Today's posting is written in a potty-training-and-watching-"Dexter"-boxed set-until-3 am stupor.  I promised my husband I wouldn't get too far ahead of him watching Season 1 (he went to bed at 11 pm), but I couldn't help myself and after a full day of cleaning pee off my carpet, kitchen floor, and couch, a little escape was needed.  On the opposite end of the spectrum, I'm hoping he gets me the "Glee" boxed set (season 1) for Mother's Day.   We are usually only 3-5 years behind watching the current t.v. trends and are nobly aiming to catch up soon.

Potty training has had some hits and misses.  My Atheist Friend was kind enough to collect the two older boys in my minivan and take them to an indoor pool for several hours while fighting the urge to clean my ride.  I don't think my minivan is that bad in the world of mom-mobiles, but apparently the abandoned sucker sticks, wrappers, wipes, and napkins got to her.  Atheist Friend's house is always immaculate and she cooks (not microwaves) three meals a day.  She brings me cupcakes and takes my kids, so I let these obvious personality defects of hers slide. 

Which leads me to now.  Joey is wearing underwear, occasionally indicating a desire to pee, and I am suffering from a Dexter hangover.  I'm not opposed to outsourcing.  If anyone out there has a way with 3 year old boys and getting them to cooperate, I'm game.  I'll pay you in cupcakes.

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