Wednesday, December 14, 2011

CPS' Selective Enrollment Process: A Veteran's Tale

Click here to read why I'm still on the fence over dealing with all the angst associated with Selective Enrollment placement this year. The whole thing makes me want to drink.  Like I need another excuse for that?


  1. marianne, pour yourself a drink. I'm sending my maid over to do your laundry. (oops, I don't have a maid. trivial detail)

    ps-- the ONLY reason it might be worth it is if your older 2 boys will be in the same school. Your life would be easier, no?

  2. mov - DONE. Now I'm drunkenly addressing Christmas envelopes. Think Aunt Joan will notice I was sloshed when I wrote hers? I know it's worth it, but Jack will now be competing at the 2nd grade level for maybe only 2 or 3 slots available for his entire grade. The odds are against him, and my frail psyche doesn't handle defeat well.
