Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WSJ Photographer Pays a Visit

The response from yesterday's Wall Street Journal article has been hilarious!  Thank you to everyone who had a read.  And for the record, everything we told the reporter was pretty much revealed in a good-natured way where we're both pretty aware (and somewhat amused) by how competitive we can still be sometimes. 

Because so many teachers, coaches, and acquaintances compared us throughout childhood, Megan and I fell into the habit of comparing ourselves against each other.   It's probably not a healthy practice,  but it did result in a feature in The Wall Street Journal, so well worth it.

Anyway, be sure to hop over to Chicago Parent for my essay on all this as well as the photographer who hung with the family on Sunday. 

Thanks, all!


  1. Holy moley! Lots going on in the voting world over there!

    Thank you for still taking time out for us now that you are a celeb! :) This was/is such a cool thing!

  2. So digging those bared white legs in the WSJ article.

    And how cool is it that you are in the WSJ?!? Hey, I'm a PR person. I know how hard it is to get into the WSJ!



  3. You now realize that you being interviewed by the WSJ just raised the bar on us in the hood bloggers getting attention. I'm thinking maybe if I dress my shaped and bladed body in a Zorro costume and run up and down the middle of Western Ave. yelling in the best Spanish accent I could muster screaming, "Read The Maplewood Block Forum"....I might get some new readers or a quick ride in the squad to Jackson Park Mental Hospital. Better yet, I could dress as Mary Poppins, climb to the top of a light pole and sing "Chim Chim Cheree". Disclaimer,Warning, add-on,space filler: No blogger, citizen or SS parade attendee should ever attempt to climb a light pole on Western Ave, dressed as Mary Poppins while singing "Chim Chim Cheree".

  4. Just so you know Marianne, I was just interviewed by one of the most brainy and smart as a whip persons I know....on my world famous blog. I guess the Zorro costume is out.

  5. The picture of you as a kid could be Dan in a dress!
