Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Boy Mom

After back-to-back sons, I just knew #3 was going to be a girl.

Miss Cleo I am not.

For that story, check out today's Chicago Parent!

Her name would have been Mary-Margaret Rita (or as we already nicknamed her, "Mary Margarita"). 


  1. I am posting this on my facebook. Well written!

  2. HOW AWESOME are YOU??? I say DAMN 100%
    A W E S O M E great piece good job girlie woo hoo!!

  3. 100% love. You got that right!

    Thanks for stopping by with a vote of confidence. I appreciate it!

  4. I grew up with 3 brothers, so I'm used to feeling a bit outnumbered. I think in some ways boys are a lot less complicated. haha... :)

    1. I have found boys so much more physical than girls, but so easy to understand. Am I being sexist? Eh. What else is new? (;

    2. I just see it as speaking the truth. :)

  5. I am following. Duh...I have been for a while now. I just always thought it was official. Well, NOW it is...haha...

    1. Thanks for "making it official!" I LOVE new followers!!

  6. I have a daughter, but its a long story and we aren't close nor will be close ever (and its okay, it really is a long story) I am envious of those moms that have great relationships with their daughters. I think sons love their moms with more of a fierceness than daughters. I think there's a different bond there, even if they might delegate us to a Sunday afternoon call, etc. But this is just my theory. My advice, be an awesome mother in law (years from now) so that the daughter in laws want to hang around you (that is what I'm going to be striving for with son :)


    1. Thank you for sharing this, Betty and I understand that familial relationships can be complex and not always rewarding or healthy. I am fearful that my sons will marry domineering control freaks (like dear ol' mom) and leave me in the dust. I suppose I should just expect it and work on my golf game instead, right?

  7. I have no sisters and sometimes wondered if having a daughter would somehow fill that void. But, like you, I resist the unknown; I grew up with brothers, I'm comfortable with guys and have little in common with girlie-girls! So, I was relieved when my second also turned out to be a boy!
    I too keep getting questions about trying for a girl, even today!! Sucks!!

    1. Nobody ever believes me when I share that I always wanted five boys. My sons tell me I'm beautiful every day. I'm sure if I had a daughter, she'd be questioning my shoes and make-up application.

  8. I have a daughter and want another one for all of the reasons you just listed. I know what to do, I have the stuff...I mean I never even had a brother so I don't know what I would do. It's scary. People think I am crazy when I say I just want two girls. They always tell me I should want a boy. I guess I shouldn't say any of this too loudly because basically you get what you get, right? If I do end up with a boy I promise to still love him and do my best...and not dress him in his sister's clothes.

    1. Had #3 been a girl, I had every intention of putting her in a multitude of blue sleepers and baseball-themed outfits until they disintegrated.

      Familiarity is comforting when heading into the scary waters of adding children, right?

  9. Boys are the sweetest! My son is always full of love and compliments. I had two girls before having him. I was scared I wouldn't know how to raise a son when I found out he was coming. Boys have their mothers heart from the start. My girls are very special to me as well. As they all became teens though, I have to say my son is the easiest to be around. lol
    And yes..he did wear cute pink sleepers! ;)

    1. I think the pink sleepers prepared him for life, no? It's all about going with the flow! Thanks for reading & commenting!

  10. Such a good article! I have three boys, too. I wouldn't want it any other way! I would, however, also LOVE 100% accuracy in the bathroom, but I know we're years away from that. I'll just keep buying Clorax wipes for the time being.

    1. Thanks, Barb! But will we ever be able to get rid of that smell?? I'm thinking we'll have to move.

    2. I'm planning a major bathroom demolition after the last one leaves home. But, he's only 4, so, it'll be awhile. Until then, the bathroom window is open 24/7, even in the winter. :)
