The wonderful world of blogging has gifted me with all kinds of interesting, funny, and thoughtful people from so many different places. Most bloggers have learned to disguise these relationships when speaking of them to non-bloggers. We don't want to appear weird when we recap the funny things that happened to our "friends."
We never admit that we've never actually met our "friends." Yet we can easily recite their kids' names, television viewing habits, and most-treasured hobbies. I rely on my blog buddies quite regularly for a quick pick-me-up on days when I'm feeling a little wiped or in need of laugh.
This morning was one such example. I spent much of the day at a crowded school pool watching my sons' first swim meet. By the time we arrived home from the event, my lungs were on fire. I apparently have more sensitivity to chlorine than your average bear.
I became a bit depressed, wondering how I could transform my kids into the next Michael Phelps with a chlorine allergy and an inability to attend their meets. I checked my mail as I walked in the front door and found an extra-padded envelope. And when I opened it? You'll never guess:
It was from Andrea at
Maybe It's Just Me (she is one of my favorite bloggers and I get excited every time I see a new post from her). She had read my ramblings about my love for Box Tops and felt compelled to drop her stash in the post to yours truly.
I was touched. As I know Andrea's birthday is coming up, I wanted to do something special in return. I remembered her
funny blog about this ugly monkey doll:
Photo courtesy of Andrea who I hope won't sue me |
I thought it would be great coup on my part to surprise her with the horribly hairy little "Leila."
I assumed something of"quality" would naturally retail for $19.99 plus S&H.
Ugly monkey doll is $149.99 plus S&H.
Now I know that Andrea doesn't really want this thing. She is worth every bit of the $149.99, but not for a gag gift that she'd probably hide away from the world, respectful of the likelihood of it frightening small children.
But this whole thing has got me wondering two things:
(A) Who out there is actually paying $149.99 for ugly monkey doll?
(B) NOW what am I supposed to get Andrea?
Feel free to send suggestions to