Tuesday, August 21, 2012

You Know You Love Your Mother When....

You smile and say thank you for her latest "great find" from Goodwill:

She loves it because it has three little boys..."like you!"

And now YOU must love it forever because it's from your mom.

But then you underhandedly decide to categorize it as a "Christmas decoration."   It gets placed in bubble wrap until December.   

You feel a little guilty.

Suddenly, all the guilt is washed away when you remember how much stuff you get to give the boys from their Nana once they grow up. You recall the frogs, right?

I keep this stuff and laugh.  None of it is really my style, but it makes my mom and my boys happy.   

Plus, I found Mike's Hard Lemonade on sale this week because the universe always rewards those who treasure  their mothers.

Are you listening, boys?


  1. haha! This sounds so familiar ...grandmother loves to crochet things. I could definitely incorporate them into my style .. I guess .. if they weren't all pumpkin orange, moss green/brown ... *sigh* But I love grandma... so they just stay at the bottom of my drawer.. because hey, you never know when you'll need a magenta crotched vest ...

    1. Thanks for reading, Larissa! I do hope you save her crocheted stuff for "ugly sweater day." I'm sure you'd win!

  2. This cracks me up. My Mother in law sends us items just likt the ones above at least five times a year. We have a knick-knack collection we just don't know what to with. There are ceramic pony salt and pepper shakers, dollar tree bears and a never ending supply of floppy, plastic rulers. I know she means well, but at the same time I am trying to move stuff like this out of my house instead of into it. It's getting crowded around here.

    1. I'm thinking...what if I just take pictures and laminate them? That way, they're still with us in spirit and taking up much less room, right? Although, the ceramic pony salt and pepper shakers do intrigue me....

  3. Oh I am pretty sure we have some gifted lovelies that have never seen the light of day again..too risky...can't have them break!

    1. Absolutely. This stuff could be priceless! One-of-a-kind even!

  4. LOL! When my Mum gives me figurines that I neither want nor need, I hide them behind picture frames. It's just so much easier when she comes over unannounced to move the frame so they're instantly on display.

    1. Hmmm. Interesting. (typed while looking around at areas with picture frames)

  5. New goodwill opening in lemont on saturday
    Come visit!

    1. You're kidding!!! I'll be checking it out ASAP!
