Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Why We Could All Use a Hula-Hoop Sometimes

Click here for my latest in Chicago Parent. 


  1. Love this! What a genius idea.

  2. It's funny that you wrote this because I have been thinking about this lately. I've stopped posting political things of facebook unless I find them funny because sometimes I just can't resist. I've stopped arguing with my cousin who has very extreme views. I do still occasionally put my two sense in about things because I can't seem to help myself. I think you are right about not changing any minds with arguments. Most people don't change their views. I'm in the process of learning this lesson. I think it does gets exhausting to be constantly in a fight with one person or another. Pick your toys up, stop screaming, no you can't have chocolate before days are full of that already!

    1. I wonder if we'll feel all ready-to-argue again once the kids get older? Or maybe my senility will have me thinking that Carter is still president?

  3. I honestly love hula-hoops. The kids love it when we play with the hoops during swim class. They have lots of fun .. this however, is a new way to use it!

    1. P.S. Sometimes I wish I had one too.

    2. I also use them to knock down cobwebs. Very multi-purpose those hula hoops.

  4. Oh yes! Just think of all of the hula hoop sales that would result in this? Plus, we may all get thinner in the process if we actually use them for their intended purpose and then we could ALL wear jeans with spandes. Ha! :)

    1. Now you're cooking! Though I don't know if it's possible to ever be thin enough for spandex jeans. Dare to dream, right?

  5. Oh Marianne, I so need that hula hoop! Genius idea, I tell ya ... especially since our school year starts (fingers crossed) next week here in Chicago. I long ago gave up any hopes of PTA and "Friends of" volunteering. The mommy politics was 10,000 times worse than Republicans vs. Democrats!



    1. What are you saying, Linda? PTA moms can be a bit of a pain in the ass?? Say it ain't so! Thanks for reading! (:

  6. this is a good way to explain the personal space idea to my kids too.

    1. ...and to a few adults I know. Thanks for reading!

  7. I can't handle another minute of politics. Putting myself in a spiritual hula hoop and keeping all that stuff at bay.
