Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back-to-School Blah's

Click here for my latest in Chicago Parent.  For whatever reason, I am just not feeling the back-to-school love this year.



  1. Oooh, I see Susan got a new job driving a bus, and now thankyouverymuch, I have The Wheels on the Bus stuck in my head!

    1. It's a classic tune. What's not to like? I took this picture for the blog last year when our bus driver resembled Susan more than any of my other Little People. This year, we have a wonderful male driver who told me I looked nice today (first time I showered before he got there). I've got to go find my Gordon for future pictures...

  2. You are so not alone in feeling like this! Hopefully, we both get our school mojo back soon. Keep your head up! :)

    1. Thanks, Catie! It's rough, but I'm still willing to fight the good fight. Plus, all the blog material I get out of CPS? PRICELESS.

  3. Your comments on my blog CRACK me up! Would you believe we don't own ANY Duplos?! {collective gasp!}

    Love your stuff and plan to

    1. Shocking. Simply shocking. Thanks for the kind words and right back atchya!

  4. Oh gosh; I hope you guys don't have a school strike; we had that when we lived in Montana and the kids were in 7th and 11th grade; it was awful. They missed 19 days of school that had to be made up over the year and they didn't extend the school year so that meant Saturday school a lot and no spring break that year. We were all tired by the end of school year.

    That would be hard to have three children on different schedules at different schools. I hope all in all it is a productive learning year for them!


    1. Saturday school? I couldn't imagine. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but it looks very probable that a strike is coming. Erg. Appreciate the words of encouragement, though!

  5. We started school today and I was excited and oddly prepared for once. Ask me how it's going next week and I may glare at you like you just used the last square of toilet paper in the entire house.

    And... the bus 'schedule' would push me straight over the freaking edge!!!

    1. I think I'm already over the edge as the school stuff isn't really bothering me this year. Everything else? Totally different story.

  6. we start back Monday. i am counting the seconds....They are at the point where they are taking to me and following me around nonstop.....
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

    1. Hope the first day goes well! I just followed you, but wow. 2 billion followers? You're like a blogging rock star.

  7. are a funny!!! I love the comment about sending them to school with a couple of pencils. Makes sense!!!

    1. I know, right? On Little House on the Prairie, I don't remember Ma Ingalls visiting Mrs. Olson's store for 107 easy back-to-school items. I think it was only CHALK back then, right?

  8. I'm kind of dreading sending my daughter to school. It sounds exhausting. I keep seeing long lists of school supplies the child must bring (it seems each teacher has a different list). It's a little crazy. What happens if the teachers go on strike? Do the kids get sent home? What a mess!

  9. I love that in middle school every child has to bring a box of kleenex for gym class (as well as other classes) In a school of 1500 students, that's a lot of tissue! When my sis worked for the school district she actually found storage rooms full to the ceiling with boxes of kleenex. Guess what? I sent 1 box for homeroom...that's it! Waste, waste, waste!! Cela
