Sunday, June 10, 2012

Of Plaques & Platitudes

They give out medals to everyone who competes in my kids' chess tournaments.  Trophies are handed out to every kid on the baseball team.  Even 5 year olds are awarded a certificate of accomplishment as they graduate preschool.

Of course, these practices generate a feeling of entitlement and deservedness in today's society.  Everybody wants acknowledgement for merely showing up.

And I am no exception.

This week, I will complete my first year of juggling three different CPS schools.  Three different sets of rules. Three different transport plans.  Three different roads to crazy.

So, I ask.  Where's my medal?  My certificate?  My trophy?


Yeah, that's what I thought.

It's a good thing I grew up in an era where only the preeminent athletes received trophies.  Where only the kids who got perfect scores on their ACTs were mentioned at graduation. Where only the best and brightest were acknowledged with plaques instead of empty platitudes.

No, I don't really expect a parade for managing this past school year. 

But I do reserve the right to bitch just a little.

And if my husband is reading, a box of chocolates would be nice.


  1. Oh, how I get this. Are you my cyber twin?

    I am not juggling 3 schools, but I am juggling 2 kids in 2 schools (and add in all their sports) plus a part-time job (actual quote from the 5-yr-old: "Mommy, I don't want you to work." ME: "But I am only at work when you are at school, when you are home-- I am home too!" HIM: "No, Mommy, when you are at work, I know you are there. I want you to be at *home* while I am at school. Just be at home sitting there waiting for me to come back.") HA!

    I grew up with no trophies and no medals. I got one medal in high school for Field Hockey (Most Improved). I think that meant they felt really *really* sorry for me and my utter lack of hockey skills. *sigh*


  2. LOL, I do hope your hubby is reading this so you can get that box of chocolates! That is an achievement for what you did and I'm thinking you didn't lose any kids this year with all the different chauffering around you had to do so congrats on that too! And then you had to deal with perhaps not the best of weather and driving conditions at times, so WTG for making it through!


  3. Hey, I've got some old "thanks for showing up at soccer and running around in circles and stopping for not reason and staring at the clouds as you picked your nose" trophies that I'm more than happy to repurpose into a trophy for you ...

    It's all the rage, you know? The whole repurpose thingy. That's what the DIY ladies preach after all ...



  4. I just want my kids to win a Grammy, Tony,something! I'll take an MTV Popcorn award. Just win something, so that they will have to stand at a podium and THANK ME IN FRONT OF MILLIONS! Don't just call me mom, use my name!
    Honestly, racing around in a car deserves an award. I am giving you a mental award right now, because I sooooo understand! ;)

    By the way, Congrats on the Review of the Cider. I LOVE CIDER, so I am definitely going to try it. WAY COOL!!!

  5. Chocolates! The really expensive kind you have to buy in the mall.
    You deserve this summer break. I hope you enjoy it!

  6. MOV-At least you got an award for garnering the most sympathy. Well earned.

    That corgi - I knew you'd understand.

    Linda - Repurposing is the way to go. I shoulda been checking out those DIY blogs years ago!

    JR - I LOVE it. And I want my full name mentioned too (maybe in a band scholarship acceptance speech?). Glad you liked the cider review. I don't think I ever had one before and was pleasantly surprised!

    Jewels - thanks! I've already planned my own "reward." More on that soon!

  7. Your reward? Getting to take care of and deal with the kids all summer - ha!
