Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Marianne & Kari's Excellent Adventure

Read what happens when two Chicago mom writers get invited to the big, fancy Dyson offices by clicking HERE in today's Chicago Parent. 

What I didn't mention over on that far more reputable site was the fact that Kari and I couldn't find our way back from the bathrooms because we were way too distracted by the cool key they gave us. 

The Dyson people probably figure we don't eat enough fiber.

Coolest keychain ever.
We learned all about what inspired Sir James Dyson in his designs:

Look out, Vanna White.

And more importantly, we learned about an innovative and free engineering program for Chicago-area kids. 

Check it out HERE!

But next time we visit?  Kari and I are leaving breadcrumbs.

And bringing a map.


  1. That was so much fun!
    Thank you for inviting me!!!
    Next time, we are asking for the meeting to be held IN the bathroom.

  2. Such a good idea to promote engineering with kids. Kari and Marianne, we are depending upon you two mothers to put up with young engineers and their clutter in the family, even when it goes against your decorating.

    Love the typical Marianne off-the-wall comment about fiber!

  3. I think you should use your "in" with Dyson to get me one of those new toys.

    I'm actually planning on writing a post and shamelessly begging them to send me one...I wonder just how obnoxious I can get??


  4. I love what they do for students!! Sounds like a fun time for you and Kari!! I covet (oops, not supposed to do that) but I do covet a Dyson!!


    1. Coveting is fine by me! I covet lots of things...mostly in the chocolate family. It really is a fantastic program!

  5. Oh, I am so all about exposing more kids to engineering! I'm sure my Facebook friends are tired of hearing me talk about it. But it's so important! Because we need someone to design a robot that will vacuum for us.

  6. LOVE my Dyson even more now that I know about that program.
    Aaaand, could you make that car look any more mini? jk. xoxo
