Sunday, November 25, 2012

When Mary Marries

My husband's family has a history of throwing legendary weddings.  I have been looking forward to his sister Mary's union for months.  Sadly, the big event has passed and I am not yet able to put together appropriate words to capture all the fun.

Mostly because I have reached my recommended daily allowance for Excedrin Migraine.

I am told the party lasted until 6 am the next morning.  I still don't know how Joe and I wound up with a rogue visitor from Ireland on our couch.  To be fair, the gentleman was quite pleasant and tidy.  I think he fled once the kids woke up and asked to play Battleship.

I thought I'd share a few pics courtesy of all the relatives who posted on Facebook:

I'm not going to tell you EXACTLY where we ordered our bridesmaid dresses, but let's just say our experience was less than stellar.  Think Pearl Harbor.

A certain Chicago fireman we know & love walking his gorgeous sister down the aisle.
The kids outlasted (and out-danced) most of the adults.
John the groom (right) with the same smile he wore for 24 hours straight. 
Whoever this poor worker is, I deeply apologize.
Could. Not. Be. More. Beautiful.

This would be the after-party, right after I woke up from a little "nap" (or possible brief period of unconsciousness courtesy of some generously-poured cocktails).

Congratulations John & Mary!!!


  1. The boys wanted to play the game Life. "Who wants to play Life" was chanted over and over by a nameless oldest child. Did I mention that it was midnight?

    1. Not possible. MY CHILDREN??? I'm sure they had already brushed their teeth, said their prayers and were sound asleep by 9 pm. No?

    2. They insisted that it was not necessary to brush their teeth, and that their mother NEVER made them do that.

  2. This would explain the National Guard being


  3. Looked like a great wedding! Congrats to the bride and groom!! I guess it was one of those weddings and receptions that what happened there stays there, but it sure looks like fun was had by all!


    1. Thanks, Betty. I'm on Day 2 of recovery. I think I'm too old for this much fun!

  4. Thanks Marianne,

    You were an awesome bridesmaid, I'm not sure the venue would say that you were an ideal guest after looking at the picture of you above with the waiter, but I am only concerned with the bridesmaid part.
    I love the pictures. For some reason 94th avenue popped into my head after looking at the first picture. I think it is because I have spent a ridiculous amount of time on 94th Ave. dealing with a certain business's mistakes that they had extremely limited interest in addressing.

    Thanks for the compliments and for everything you did for me!

    1. Thanks, John! I couldn't have been happier to be in the wedding! Best wishes on a long & happy marriage (and I'm not opposed to your naming 2-3 kids after me).

  5. TJ ended up at your house? Too funny! He asked Dennis to call him a cab several times, but then they decided to drink more Jameson instead. What a fun night! And who looks that beautiful after waking up from a "nap"?

    1. I so love you Tracy.

      So TJ was his name? I never caught it.

      I have a vague recollection of him insisting he wouldn't crash at the bride & groom's house because he was raised better than that.

      Gotta love the Irish!

  6. Gorgeous and it looks like everyone had a great time. Seems the kiddos can always outlast the adults!

    1. I want their energy! Naps are my poison lately.

  7. Dear Lord! You're strangling a stranger!
    What a gorgeous bride!

    1. Wasn't she?

      You don't s'pose the strangled stranger is holding a grudge, do you?

  8. Looks (and sounds) like a blast. Thanks for sharing the fun. :)

  9. Beautiful! Congratulations Mary! :)

  10. What a beautiful bride! Congrats to the happy couple!

  11. Look at you beautiful Lady in Red! Perhaps I should try to time the arrival of the Nutella to coincide with your full recovery! Congratulations to the beautiful bride and her groom!

    1. Thanks, Andrea! Those two pairs of Spanx worked wonders! Will pass along the congrats once I put down this big, Nutella-covered spoon....

  12. Love the bride's dress! So gorgeous.
    Looks like much fun was had. Maybe a little too much? :)

  13. LOL! You are hysterical and I'm quite sure were the life of the party from the looks of it! Your SIL was a gorgeous bride and look at your hubby all proud to walk his sister. Someone grabbed you the Kleenex, I hope.

    1. I totally wanted to bawl my eyes out! Mary has 6 brothers, but Joe is the only one without a daughter...thus this will be his only chance to walk a girl down the aisle. The moment was beautiful.

  14. I love the expression on the waiters face. I keep going back to look at it because it makes me laugh. Looks like a blast!

    1. What's funny is one of Joe's cousins grabbed another cousin's camera and we were both feeling all sneaky, over-served and "let's take funny pictures with Mary Jo's camera!"


      Yeah...guess who the idiot in that episode turned out to be? Hint: she blogs.

  15. I LOVE weddings!! LOVE, LOVE!!! Where else can you have fun with friends and family, eat, drink,and be merry, then drink some more and DANCE!!!!!

    Looks like you had a great time.

  16. Hello, hello. I have made it finally and straight to a post about weddings. You can never beat a good weeding and that one looks like you all had a really great time.

    Can't wait to read more and congrats about the book :-)

    1. Thanks for coming by, Sleepy Joe and I appreciate the kind words about the book!

  17. I love weddings. There is nothing like seeing a freshly in love bride and groom. And when you know them, all the better! Congratulations to your sister in law :)

    1. Thanks, Kianwi. Forget the Royal Wedding, this was way funner. And yes, English majors are allowed to make up words.
