Friday, December 20, 2013

Omitted. Again.

Jack's Christmas wishes for others this year:

For Dad: I would like to give my dad a new fire uniform because his uniform is very diry (dirty).

For Uncle Matt: I would like to give my Uncle Matt a new couch because his couch is broken.

For Grandpa: I would like to give my Grandpa a new grill because his grill is very rusty.

For Cousin Bobby: I would like to give Bobby a chance to go in the Olypicts (Olympics) for volleyball because he is very good at it.

My take-aways: 

  • I am never, ever getting any public acknowledgment from my children regarding my awesome parenting.
  • I suck at laundry.
  • I have to re-think having hamburgers at my dad's house.
  • Jack is obsessed with couches.

Have a great weekend, everyone!  And may all your couches be firm and intact!


  1. Well, you DO suck at laundry. Or so I've heard. ;)

    My couch is disgusting. Perhaps Jack will wish for one for me as well....


  2. I might finally be speechless on this one. To Jack: I would like to give your mom some glue for her now broken heart. ;)

  3. No, no, it just means you don't have anything dirty, rusty, or broken enough to catch his attention as needing replacing! It means you're a great housekeeper!

    1. I am totally with Jen on this one! Jack obviously believes you to be perfect, and obviously not in need of any quick fixes!!

    2. Yep, me too Marianne, you don't need anything, you're a mum and we all know mum's don't need anything - they just give.
      At least you are not diry.

  4. My son walked in our house laughing, said, "All this time I have been sleeping on an inflatable air mattress that leaks and I have to reinflate it in the middle of the night (while he is waiting for his real bed to arrive soon) and I am looking all over the livingroom for the TV remote and I look down inside the couch for it and discover that there is a foldout bed!" And now I am not sure where that particular couch came from but it might have been in that house when we lived there (next door is our old house)

    1. Ooops. That would've been a good one to notice earlier!

  5. Oh dear Mar,

    Nice people need all those compliments.You may be off the niceness treadmill that I wrote about. You don't pretend to be nice, but you are wise and kind and funny. That is enough for all of us your readers.

    If I were able to give you something, it would be a year's free laundry service that included sorting for the clothes of your three boys and cleaning for Joe's uniform.


    1. Seriously. If anyone were to ever gift me with laundry services, I would probably die. I mean, what would my purpose in life be??? ;)

  6. Ha! For the entire month of November, my 3 year old brought home Thankful papers, crafts, etc. Every fricken one said he was thankful for DADDY. I even volunteered in the classroom one day and had to right "Daddy" on his paper. He couldn't even throw me a bone that day!

  7. It's because you are SuperMom and you have super powers so you don't need anything. Ha! Treat yourself to a massage and pedicure my friend. Merry Christmas to your adorable family,


    1. Thank you & hope you the wee ones had a wonderful Christmas as well!!

  8. Awww, you pass mommyhood with flying colors, Mar.
    Happy Christmas to you and the family...hope it's wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Tina, and the same to you & yours!! :)

  9. I think the reason you are omitted is because you are so AWESOME he doesn't need to gift you with anything, he doesn't need to fix anything on you, you are an extension of him that he just assumes you know how he feels about you :) Honestly, he loves you more than words can express, he just can't seem to find a way to express that through his words :) Trust me, you are #1 in his heart! Truly!

    I hope you and yours had a very nice Christmas Day1


    1. Thank you, Betty! And when I questioned him further on it, he did fess up that I didn't have anything that was broken. I suppose I am perfect in his eyes. :)

  10. HAHAHA! I think you have very observant and sensitive children. That means you're doing OK as a mom!

  11. I just took a special parenting math class. Omitted X 1000 = Motherhood
    Teenage Girls + Mothers = Volcano Eruption
    and so on............
    It's been a while, but I'm slowly creepin my way back into blogging (or at least reading) Happy Holidays Marianne ;)

    1. Thank you, J.R.! I've missed you so! Kept popping in...hoping!
