Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Who Shanghaied Summer?

Anyone else feel like summer has been closer to this:

than this:

Full story CLICK HERE in today's Chicago Parent.


  1. Tell this to my Florida friends, Marianne! Here in central Florida we haven't had many mosquitoes (we sent them to you), but we have had cars splattered with love bugs, frogs who want our front porches and back decks, skin cancer from the heat, lots and lots of rain, lots and lots of weeds, sink holes and more than our share of door to door sale men and Watch Tower people who even find us in the country side.

    Yes, the beach and a beach breeze is wonderful but tent camping is sort of iffy. Where would you get electricity for your fan in the tent?

    1. Electricity? You overestimate me, Carol. I'll be stealing ice cubes from the local gas station, hobo-style.

  2. You had me busting up at the spleen part. And my hubby also made the global warming comment just the other day. I can see the next post as, "How to Eat Fried Sand."

    Loved it!


  3. Serial killers, anchovies and barking dogs, huh? You don't mess around! Also, I think your spleen looks lovely.

    1. Thank you, Lillian. I always did think it was my best feature.
